Irina    ID: 1864556

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Age:  56
Birth Date:  28/07/1968
Horoscope Sign:  Leo
Height:  163
Weight:  53
Eye Color:  Blue
Hair Color:
Occupation:  Business Owner
Education:  University degree
Marital Status:  Never married
Drinking:  Never
English Speaking Skills*:  Intermediate
Other languages:
Residence:  Rivne, Ukraine
Date the dating partner of your dreams: single Russian Partner Irina from Rivne
  * The level of English is evaluated by the Member
How about seduction not with body, but with care and attention? Many men are accustomed to woman can attract only with her sexuality, high heels and deep cut on the dress. But this is not a key to a loving couple. I am a woman who knows how to value warm heart and kind soul. And I'm looking for someone special to share these bright feelings. Yes, I look good, I watch my body and style. But does it give a man a sense of warmth and kindness? Of course not. Mutual understanding and feelings will warm anyone, even the ones who gave up believing in love. I'm looking for a serious man for making a union, for creating family! If you set only carnal pleasures, please leave it for not serious ladies.
One summer evening, I decided to take a walk along a quiet trail that winds through a nearby forest. The air was warm, filled with the scent of pine and blooming flowers, and the golden light of the setting sun filtered through the trees. It felt like the world had slowed down, offering me a rare moment of peace. As I walked, I came across an older couple sitting on a fallen log, laughing together like teenagers. Intrigued by their energy, I smiled and said hello. They waved me over, and soon, we were chatting. They told me how they’d been walking this trail for decades, ever since they first met. It had become their ritual—no matter what life threw at them, they always found time to return to this place. Their story stayed with me long after our paths parted. It made me think about how life’s most meaningful connections often begin with the simplest of moments. A walk, a shared laugh, a conversation with someone who sees the world a little like you do. Now, every time I go
Her Type of Man:
I’m searching for a grounded, authentic man who values integrity and humanity above all else. Someone who sees the beauty in sincerity, embraces kindness as a strength, and carries a quiet confidence that speaks louder than words. My ideal partner is a man of action—someone who is unafraid to take meaningful steps for the sake of love, for heartfelt conversations, and for the moments that truly matter. He is genuine and honest, valuing truth over pretense, and he approaches life with courage and humility. Flattery and superficiality hold no appeal for him, as he finds fulfillment in depth and authenticity. His simplicity is not a lack but a virtue—an ability to see what truly matters and cherish it wholeheartedly. I dream of building a connection with a man who understands that love is not just a feeling but a series of actions, a shared journey built on trust, effort, and mutual respect. Such a man would inspire me to be my best self, as I would strive to do for him, creati

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