Olga    ID: 1973729

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Age:  34
Birth Date:  14/02/1991
Horoscope Sign:  Aquarius
Height:  172
Weight:  57
Eye Color:  Brown
Hair Color:
Occupation:  Fitness Trainer
Education:  University degree
Russian Orthodox
Marital Status:  Never married
Drinking:  Never
English Speaking Skills*:  Intermediate
Other languages:
Residence:  Odesa, Ukraine
Date the dating partner of your dreams: pretty Russian Partner Olga from Odesa
  * The level of English is evaluated by the Member
I am optimistic and cheerful person, and came here to change my life. I don't afraid of changes and I am not a "home-town girl" because I am currently living in a big city and it is pretty far from the village where i was born, you may call it a kind of change as well, as I had to move to completely different world in order to receive a job and education and I did it all alone, so lets say i am ready for changes. I am very communicative girl and I always find it is easy to start friendship with people around, you may call in nothing special but in a country of "gray-faced people" putting a smile on their faces can be very useful :) I also love animals, my parents had a small farm when i was a kid, i used to play with bunnies and I always let them run away, lets say i was a troublemaker but a good friend for bunnies :) I could write about myself a whole day, but i very feminine and I prefer to let a man to make a "first step" so you are welcome to ask me anything you want to know.
As a woman who lives already several years near the sea I for sure love to spend my time at the beach, and I would call one of hobbies - swimming, but there is a problem, I don't know how to swim, and there were no men who would teach me :) I hope i will find you here and one day we gonna spend entire day on the beach swimming.
Her Type of Man:
I like when last word is always yours, so i can feel responsible man near me, who is a true head in our relationship, but i want you to be soft and responsive with me

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