Yuliia    ID: 2338599

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Age:  30
Birth Date:  10/11/1994
Horoscope Sign:  Scorpio
Height:  160
Weight:  49
Eye Color:  Green
Hair Color:
Occupation:  Makeup Artist
Education:  University degree
Marital Status:  Never married
Drinking:  Never
English Speaking Skills*:  Intermediate
Other languages:
Residence:  Warsaw, Poland
Most gorgeous women and man: Yuliia from Warsaw, Partner hot, Poland
  * The level of English is evaluated by the Member
I am a permanent makeup artist working in the beauty industry. I like my work not only because of financial stability, it brings me pleasure, because I make women happy. I graduated from the Institute of Foreign Languages, I speak English very well. I am fond of everything that is very interesting to me.
My favorite pastime is sports. I often go to the gym. I am engaged in big tennis, it brings me a lot of good emotions. I love skiing in the mountains in winter. I like this extreme sport since my school years. What could be more extreme. On weekends I ride a bike, this activity keeps my body in great shape.
Her Type of Man:
If this man loves to be the center of attention with me, is loving, sensitive and generous, then we should start talking. I want to open my heart to vibrant relationships. I want us to be interesting together. We can travel a lot, find common themes and look at each other with love. I want a healthy, desirable and beautiful relationship.

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