socionic personality test,which took place not long ago.
Sensory-ethical extravert - "Napoleon"
The most powerful function - extrativa sensory - makes this type is extremely striving for power and glory. The initiative, demonstrative, has innate aesthetic taste. Great importance attaches to the physical data of the partner. Intratesa ethics, being creative function, allows this type is well oriented in the sphere of relations and to manipulate the feelings of others. 't hide her feelings, proud of them. Sociable, talkative, aims to be in the center of attention in any company. Role-function - extrativa intuition - encourages you to periodically seem sad, disappointed, misunderstood, philosophic. Intratesa logic, as sore point, leads to high vulnerability in situations that require logical, balanced, congruent behaviors. Convinced by intertimes intuition. With gratitude advised, justifying its increased activity, as if to prevent possible failures and hazards in the future. The sixth
Love all active!
Travel Hiking and Biking,volleyball,paintball,karting,table tennis, that is sports.
Psychology ,socionics,human resources management.
New acquaintances, joint trips.
Interested in the Motherland, history,nationality,population.
I want to visit all the cities of the homeland and the World.
Her Type of Man:
For me, ideal people do not exist, but if to describe about, the more likely it will look like this:
The absence of egocentrism,megalomania.
Good heart,sociable,able to think and to maintain in different situacijose in all respects,loving their parents,lover of life, and all that is given to us.