Evgeniya     ID: 2341547

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Age:  37
Birth Date:  03/09/1987
Horoscope Sign:  Virgo
Height:  158
Weight:  53
Eye Color:  Hazel
Hair Color:
Occupation:  Dance instructor
Education:  University degree
Marital Status:  Divorced
Drinking:  Never
English Speaking Skills*:  Intermediate
Other languages:
Residence:  Los Angeles, USA
Date the dating partner of your dreams: USA Partner Evgeniya from Los Angeles
  * The level of English is evaluated by the Member
I am Evgenia, I love animals, spend time outside the city, active life and interesting evenings. I am a dance instructor. My work completely absorbed me. I feel like a fish in water in it. I am often tired at work. Therefore, I visit a massage therapist and more often I try to spend time in the fresh air. So my head becomes clearer, and my thoughts come in order.
My favorite time is the time spent with the people I love. When the weekend comes, I already know exactly who I will spend this time with. Sometimes we organize fun parties with friends, where various intellectual games are sure to be present. We love to play twister on the floor, fall down, laugh and start playing again. These days I take a break from my laptop.
Her Type of Man:
The most important thing for me in a man is tenderness, understanding and always knows how to have an interesting time. Even if we don't come up with anything, we can stay home, wrap ourselves in a blanket and just love each other. Our morning will begin with affection and taking a shower together. And after breakfast in bed, we will admire each other and have fun. I always feel what my loved one needs.

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