Ekaterina    ID: 1793570

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Age:  29
Birth Date:  08/03/1996
Horoscope Sign:  Pisces
Height:  167
Weight:  47
Eye Color:  Green
Hair Color:
Occupation:  Policewoman
Education:  University degree
Marital Status:  Never married
Drinking:  Never
English Speaking Skills*:  Intermediate
Other languages:
Residence:  Sumy, Ukraine
Partner, Russian single dating partner: Ekaterina from Sumy
  * The level of English is evaluated by the Member
I am very passionate woman. I think passionate and strong, but if I Love - it will be very easy to hurt me, so I am looking for a very usual man, but at the same time I would like him never tease my heart and take care about me in the way he wants me to take care about him. I have good attitude to all people - even to bad persons. I never judge somebody, because every person has individual life with a lot of secrets, and we cant judge others. I am not strict with other people, but I am very strict with myself and i believe that it will help me to be good wife in future and create great family with NO divorce - I hate this word(((( i think you too??
I am very good with professional dancing, light athletic and gym. I am future police worker and lawyer at the same time - so I am very interested in law and always try to force myself to study even when i am off at home. as for my future work - please do not afraid of me because I am future policewoman - I will not chain you at the bedroom)))))))))))))))))))))))
Her Type of Man:
what man i am looking for? for somebody who will not drink alcohol during the time i am working on a few jobs))joke)) I need usual man who knows what he wants from his life!! and who is able to help to his wife to find her way in her life - if she is too tender to find her way in modern-fast society without help of her strong man.

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