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Ok so Martha Stewart just started doing it, but she’s apparently not the only one. In a recent chat with heart-stopper Antonio Sabato, Jr. new spokesman forAnastasiaDate.com, he says that celebs are online datingmore than we know.
He says they won’t admit to it but that a lot of them have used online dating to get together with people. As many celebs learn the hard way, meeting someone on a movie set in a pampered, fairy tail like situation for 2 months, isn’t representative to real relationships and that is why so many celeb relationships fail.
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But it’s all about finding someone with your common interests, and someone who makes you want to be a better person.
The Italian born General Hospital alumnus and married hunk thinks dating is harder these days and advocates for American men to use online dating to look outside of American women to date. “International women are warm, looking for mates and looking for families. These women speak multiple languages and are very well cultured and driven by relationships,” says Sabato, Jr. “I believe American men are still looking for a woman to make him feel like a man, the one, the king.”
In a digital age it’s easier than ever for American men to connect to someone internationally who may posses the elusive qualities and understandings they haven’t found stateside.
With an emphasis on being yourself and open about your flaws in online dating, Sabato, Jr. believes that online dating will become easier and not harder for men looking to international dating.
Despite evidence to anyone with eyes, the former Calvin Klein underwear model insists that he is far from perfect and when asked his flaws he says that jumps in and tries to finish projects too quickly.
Sabato, Jr. is interested in helping any men, including his famous single buddies, do international online dating with tips about dating from his experiences.
If you’ve thought about international online dating there are certainly some advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include a significantly wider pool of people who may be interested in you and vice versa. The variety of physical types of daters also increase exponentially when you expand your search to international locations.
With the accessibility of the internet, interacting and discovering your shared interests with these singletons is considerably easier and more cost effective than in the past. The downside is the barrier of physical distance that has to be spanned at one point. But if you’re of the type that thinks a plane ride (or a few) is worth the price to finding true love, then maybe international online dating is for you.
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As always be careful to really get to know who you’re looking to meet before investing the expense to meet them. Love won’t ask you for money or deny you reasons to meet. Don’t be naïve and maybe that exotic beauty really is your dream come true.
What do you think? Could the grass be greener on the other side of a border?