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June 22nd, Midsummer Solstice
Solstice is Latin for "sun stands still" (sol "sun" and sistere "to stand").
The Midsummer Solstice refers to the point at which the sun reaches its greatest declination to the south. It marks the beginning of the sun's maximum height in the sky, making it the longest day of the year. The Summer Solstice brings solstice celebrations all over Europe and midsummer nights (Shakespeare). The themes of a solstice festival are light and warmth. Pagans used to signify such themes with Midsummer bonfires. Young men and women leaped over the flames. Women claimed that the summer's crops would grow as high as the leapers were able to jump.
Happy Midsummer Solstice! S dnyom letnego solntsestoyaniya!
Wish Ekaterina a Happy Midsummer!Send her a gift or flowers through AnastasiaDate Flower Delivery service.