I am an optimistic spiritually strong woman, who is debonair, I love life, new knowledge and deep emotions. Therefore,l like to travel a lot. Also l like drive a car and do it quickly and confidently. Great joy for me is cooking. I love to please their loved ones. I always need a good company, it is something I can’t live without. I need people, who are kind, giving, who are about the same life views with me. All people need that, they need support and warmth of humanity. Life is not the easiest thing, but when you have good friend beside, it is much easier to live then and get through different difficulties. I think the most important purpose in life- to be the happiest woman and the best wife and mother.
I love going to the cinemas, theaters and various social events with friends. I do shopping, this is something I do like once in a month or two, but I always do shopping with a good company, because I need advices of my friends, they never give bad ones. I used to be a professional visagist and used to work like that, but soon I started working in a different area. I used to dance Latin-American dancing, I love animals, especially dogs. There were many subjects I enjoyed in school, but till nowadays I would study everything if I only had time. Any science is an interesting thing for me.
Her Type of Man:
I want to meet someone who is confident, who is strong spiritually and physically. Of course, it is pleasure to meet a smart man, full of life energy and good sense of humor is always welcome. As Merlyn Monroe said: ‘If you can make a woman laugh, you can make you her do anything’