Lucka    ID: 1836109

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Age:  38
Birth Date:  15/06/1986
Horoscope Sign:  Gemini
Height:  170
Weight:  52
Eye Color:  Blue
Hair Color:
Occupation:  Ballerina
Education:  University degree
Marital Status:  Never married
Drinking:  Never
English Speaking Skills*:  Intermediate
Other languages:
Residence:  Ostrava, Czech Republic
Date the dating partner of your dreams: beautiful Russian dating partner Lucka from Ostrava
  * The level of English is evaluated by the Member
When I was a little girl, my parents raised me as I was a little princess. You know what? Now I realize it was a great way to raise a girl. I have never been spoiled as the level of our living has never been very high so I knew that if mom says no it means that she really can’t give me what I wanted. And I never asked twice. My dad has always been a great example of how a man should treat a woman - my mom received flowers after 20 years of marriage without occasion at least once a week. Yes, we always had fresh flowers in our house even if we didn’t have an opportunity to pay bills on time. When my father lost his job and we had tough times my mom never complained, she always supported him and now being an adult I realize that she took work home and stayed up till 2 am even on weekends not because she wanted so but to support my dad. And they enjoyed being together and also I felt like a real princess even then, when we didn’t have anything but the three of us.
I lead active life since I was a child. I am a ballerina so dancing is a great part of my life. Also I teach small girls how to do ballet and love it. I play tennis, dance, go in for gymnastics, jogging twice a day is a must for me. I try to find a lot of time to do things besides my job because there is so much interesting stuff going on around me! I love drawing, reading books, I volunteer in pet center in Prague on weekends, and do modeling when I have time. I am blessed to be gifted in many things. I love traveling and want to do it together with my future man as I believe that exploring the new worlds together will bring us even closer to each other.
Her Type of Man:
I don’t have any particular picture in my head of my perfect man. I know for sure that I need a caring and affectionate man by my side as I love kissing, holding hands and do other tender things with the one I love. Maybe it would be good if he is older than me and more experienced in life. Thats all I care about, everything else we feel when we start knowing each other.

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