Mariia    ID: 2110567

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Age:  43
Birth Date:  04/07/1981
Horoscope Sign:  Cancer
Height:  155
Weight:  55
Eye Color:  Brown
Hair Color:
Occupation:  Nurse
Education:  College degree
Marital Status:  Divorced
Drinking:  Socially
English Speaking Skills*:  Beginner
Other languages:
Residence:  Kremenchug, Ukraine
Gorgeous single women and man: Russian Partner Singles Mariia from Kremenchug
  * The level of English is evaluated by the Member
Maybe it sounds little funny in my age, but I still adore to dream! And my biggest dream is to find a man whom I will give my softness and tenderness, who will be all for me: my best friend, my soul mate and my lover. I think life is a wonderful thing and we need to spend it as great as we can and needn't lose our time to empty things!
I adore to make something creative, some hand made and after to present my close people. It make me happy, because I see their smiles and it warm my heart.
Her Type of Man:
I hope to meet good man for life. I am looking for a man, who will be my soulmate, someone special for me, who would come into my life and stay here. with whom I will create strong family.

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