Arina    ID: 2348126

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Age:  24
Birth Date:  03/08/2000
Horoscope Sign:  Leo
Height:  168
Weight:  48
Eye Color:  Green
Hair Color:
Occupation:  Freelancer
Education:  University degree
Marital Status:  Never married
Drinking:  Never
English Speaking Skills*:  Intermediate
Other languages:
Residence:  Nikolaev, Ukraine
Date the dating partner of your dreams: Arina from Nikolaev, Russian Partner for exciting companionship
  * The level of English is evaluated by the Member
My emotions often very bright - i can jump and laugh when I`m happy and much cry when I`m sad. I like to be different - in my image, style, i change opinion about different things very often. Like to see different interesting peoples around me. Like to bring good emotions to people and like when peoples like me so hope you will feel comfortable with me! Sometimes I`m a little naive so can belive in anything what people say to me. Hope you will not use this fact against me:) I don`t like when life are too comfortable for me - it makes me feel uncomfortable(LOL) and uninterested. I like to create things and can`t live without this. Prefer more spend money on hobby and emotions instead of standart material things. If i tell you a story i will tell you all useful and useless details. I do things on by inertia and sometimes on emotions - sometimes sharply, but at all I have soft character.
Love things related to manual work: painting, kniting, crocheting, making jewerly; want to try claying and things with wood. But much more i love abstract type of creativity - playing music, write it and mixing. I have a band and hope to perform on stage at least once) Love dye my hair in different colors, now i prefer more deep and natural color with some nuance, but i used to dye it on bright colors before. Sometimes i do parfums for myself and sometimes for friends) Sometimes i write.
Her Type of Man:
I can`t say that belive in intimacy of only one and true love, like on soulmates too. Maybe it`s because i don`t add mystics for usual things, maybe because I`m scare of getting closer to people. But for some reason piece of my soul still trying to find someone spesial. At all i just opened to new acquaintance and hope to find someone with whom i will feel myself calm and inspired at the same time. I want to find all my best qualities with you, want to write my best songs with you. I want to find a person who will acept all of me and didn't judge me for some strange reason.

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