Irina    ID: 2346253

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Age:  42
Birth Date:  24/06/1982
Horoscope Sign:  Cancer
Height:  172
Weight:  57
Eye Color:  Blue
Hair Color:
Occupation:  Business Owner
Education:  University degree
Marital Status:  Never married
Drinking:  Never
English Speaking Skills*:  Intermediate
Other languages:
Residence:  Prague, Czech Republic
Date the dating partner of your dreams: Russian Partner Irina from Prague
  * The level of English is evaluated by the Member
Life's simple treasures like sunsets, sunrises, or the crisp snow underfoot captivate me. A homebody at heart, I cherish cozy nights by the fire with my close pals, sipping on my cherished cacao. And oh, my cacao is quite the delight! It has this magical knack for turning me into a lively, carefree soul. đŸ˜Œ I envision sharing such evenings with a future partner, sparking endless enjoyment. My profession is my hobby. Which is cool, I guess. I have a small beauty salon of my own and I work as a master in it. I have the power to make every woman happy and their happiness makes me happy :)
I adore simple things like watching sunsets and feeling snow under my feet. Cozy nights by the fireplace with friends, sipping my own mulled wine, bring me joy.
Her Type of Man:
Every individual's quirks can be understood and embraced, as everyone is unique. However, masculinity holds a distinctive aura that transcends distances. To me, it's a defining trait—a magnetic energy that draws me in. In a man, I seek not only a connection of desires but also an unreserved trust—a fearless leap into vulnerability.

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