Mirjana     ID: 2065871

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Age:  40
Birth Date:  11/05/1984
Horoscope Sign:  Taurus
Height:  165
Weight:  58
Eye Color:  Brown
Hair Color:
Occupation:  Teacher
Education:  University degree
Not Religious
Marital Status:  Never married
Drinking:  Occasionally
English Speaking Skills*:  Advanced
Other languages:
Residence:  Kragujevac, Serbia
Gorgeous Singles only: Mirjana from Kragujevac, Partner Russian, Ukrainian
  * The level of English is evaluated by the Member
"The secret of life , though, is to fall seven times and get up eight times". This is something I always keep in mind and tell myself: It's okay to fail, just keep trying and give yourself a chance. No matter how hard we try sometimes we fail but success can be reached only through determination. Whatever happens in life, I know and I can promise myself, I will never give up!
Dancing, lying on the beach, fashion, traveling.
Her Type of Man:
Is there a better way to start a day than waking up in arms of your loved one? I'm dreaming of starting every day this way with a great man, my man. This is what I imagine him being like: He is loyal and respectful, fun and spontaneous. He cares about me and my needs. Someone with a good sense of humor, caring and loving but also a passionate man. A man who will be my support, my best friend and a life partner. A man who doesn't have to prove himself, he is just who he is. Someone who wants family, lazy Sundays with me, cuddling in the morning, long walks… In the end of the day, what really matters is someone who would want to listen how did you spend your day, to hold you tight, press sweet kisses to your forehead and show you how wonderful can be those cute simple things.

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