Karolina    ID: 2373587

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Age:  20
Birth Date:  01/04/2004
Horoscope Sign:  Aries
Height:  168
Weight:  56
Eye Color:  Blue
Hair Color:
Occupation:  yoga instructor
Education:  University (unfinished)
Marital Status:  Never married
Drinking:  Socially
English Speaking Skills*:  Intermediate
Other languages:
Residence:  Kiev, Ukraine
Gorgeous Singles only: Karolina from Kiev, Partner Russian tall
  * The level of English is evaluated by the Member
I am a yoga instructor with over ten years of experience. Yoga for me is not just a job, but a way of life that helps to find harmony and inner balance. I love being outdoors, enjoying nature and sharing my energy with other people. I am able to remain calm in any situation and help others find inner peace. Teaching yoga requires a lot of patience, and I am always ready to support and help my students on their path.
Yoga and meditation Nature and active recreation Healthy lifestyle and nutrition Traveling and exploring new cultures Reading and self-development
Her Type of Man:
I am looking for a like-minded person who also values ​​a healthy lifestyle and harmony with oneself. It is important that you are kind, attentive and open to new experiences. I would be glad to meet a person with whom I can practice yoga, travel and enjoy life.

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