Hello :) how are you ? how is your mood ? Tell a little about myself and my dreams :) I study English myself and it's my pleasure. I'm interested everything that helps to become better, kinder, more feminine, more positive, happier))) And do all with pleasure and joy)))) I want to be loved, loving, to give each other love, happiness, joy, wisdom, inspiration, kindness, respect. Trust each other, sincerity, moving forward with happiness, interest, gratitude. Choose a positive, kind, interesting, useful. Life is only beginning - happy, energetic, inspiring ! . . and striving to this. I wish all Love and Happiness ! :)
I love explore the world, myself, peoples, to fly a plane, travel, swim in the pool, have fun and other things that leads to happiness, joy, kindness :)
Her Type of Man:
The Male near with whom I will feel exactly like a Woman. And I want that my Male near with me feel exactly a Male, confident, happy :)